Maria Trimarchi

Maria Trimarchi has written over 350 articles for HowStuffWorks on topics ranging from climate refugees to training your cat. She is also a cohost of the podcast "Criminalia."

Recent Contributions

You've probably experienced that moment where you're driving, get lost, turn down the radio, and then think, "Why did I just do that?"

ByMaria Trimarchi

What if the land you relied upon simply blew away? In the 1930s, poor stewardship and crushing drought created black blizzards and an internal American exodus known as the Dust Bowl.

ByMaria Trimarchi

你所有的信用卡债务转移到一个卡可能年代ee like a great deal, and sometimes it is. How do you decide whether consolidation is the best approach to tackling your unsecured debt?

ByMaria Trimarchi


Human bodies are wonderlands of grossness. You might be shocked to know some of the nastiest things your body is harboring right this minute.

ByMaria Trimarchi

You toss your clothes and detergent in, let the cycle run and then pop that laundry in the dryer. Easy peasy. But there are some nuances to laundromat manners you may not be privy to.

ByMaria Trimarchi

Think you can't train a cat? Think again. Cats of any age can learn to do tricks, and the training will strengthen your bond with your feline friend.

ByMaria Trimarchi

Do you run a space heater in your office, even in August? Can you not warm up no matter how many layers you wear? The culprit could be a vitamin deficiency.

ByMaria Trimarchi


Is one gallon of paint the same as the next? Not really. Find out if you can use that interior latex you fell in love with on the outside of your house, too.

ByMaria Trimarchi

Without a doubt, plastic is useful. It's also everywhere — filling up landfills and recycling bins. These 10 twists on the common polymer are trying to change that reality.

ByMaria Trimarchi,Patrick J. Kiger&Vicki M. Giuggio

Masked crime fighters aren't just the stuff of Marvel and DC comics and films. These characters may not have superpowers, but they feel the call to keep citizens safe and serve their communities.

ByMaria Trimarchi

今天,电视晚餐快速、廉价和可用every variety -- from enormously portioned Hungry-Man sizes to gluten-free, vegan delights. But where did TV dinners get their start?

ByMaria Trimarchi


Americans seem to like a little food with their salt -- on average, we each consume almost 3,500 milligrams (mg) of sodium every day. When everything's loaded with salt, what are we supposed to eat to stay healthy?

ByMaria Trimarchi

It's a flaky pastry tube with a creamy delicious filling. But what's that filling supposed to be made of, and is there room to experiment?

ByMaria Trimarchi

Panna cotta may seem like a fancy dessert, but it's actually quite simple to make. And with these five tips, your Italian desserts will come out just right -- every time.

ByMaria Trimarchi

If you’re a clean freak, the thought of a meal cooked on an ongoing basis in a vessel that’s never washed may horrify you. But some swear by nosh prepped in perpetuity.

ByMaria Trimarchi


The game of horseshoes is believed to date all the way back to the ancient Greeks, and has endured through the ages and remained a popular sport. How exactly do you throw a horseshoe, and what's a dead ringer?

ByMaria Trimarchi

A hot shower after your workout encourages blood flow toward your skin, soothing your muscles to help you relax and feel good. But what are the benefits of taking a cold shower instead?

ByMaria Trimarchi

Do you want beautiful skin? Check out the various ways lactic acid can improve your skin. Do these tips for great skin using lactic acid.

ByMaria Trimarchi

We've all heard of blood donation, but did you know you can donate blood plasma? Find out how the process works, and how plasma is isolated from the rest of your blood.

ByMaria Trimarchi


When this non-profit organization isn't storming Wall Street, it's busy hammering out affordable mortgages for low-income and middle-income people. What's the catch?

ByMaria Trimarchi&Molly Edmonds

Only 20 percent of the people who make resolutions will see them through. Why does our resolve vanish, and what can we do about it?

ByMaria Trimarchi

Experts expect more than 1 billion climate refugees by the year 2050. Where will they go and how will the world feed, clothe and shelter them?

ByMaria Trimarchi&Sarah Gleim

Let's see how much you remember about the main characters from "Friends" and those who come in and out of their lives, from the ten seasons of this award-winning sitcom.

ByMaria Trimarchi


Ese viejo adagio, no juzgues el libro por su portada, es importante cuando estás tratando con el reino animal. Por ejemplo, el loris perezoso es tan adorable que pensarías que podría matarte con su ternura. Pero no es la ternura lo que te atrapará, es su veneno. ¿Puedes decir cuál de estos animales es inofensivo y cuál es dañino?

ByMaria Trimarchi

Not only can it can help reduce your blood pressure, knitting also helps slow your heart rate, helps your body fight illness, and helps you create some pretty awesome scarves and sweaters. Don't let these questions throw you for a loop!

ByMaria Trimarchi
