索伦森同意,强调这一事实,“监管中发挥着关键作用狩猎成功的项目…和行政透明度是至关重要的,”她说。“每个区域不同,受到人类发展的影响,气候变化,等等,每一块土地必须每年进行评估以确定需要狩猎项目实现。”In the end, she says, there is no single activity that can fulfill the requirements of true conservation on its own. For her part, she believes that hunting isn't the only answer, but rather it's an integral part of a multi-faceted approach to the problem.
帕默,凯蒂。“我还活着。”Conservation Lab. May 2, 2017. (April 14, 2018) http://www.conservation-lab.com/event-news/im-still-alive/
Perlez,简。“肯尼亚,姿态,伯恩斯象牙。”NY Times. July 19, 1989. (April 14, 2018) https://www.nytimes.com/1989/07/19/world/kenya-in-gesture-burns-ivory-tusks.html
•唐纳德。“纳斯卡猎头和仪式上使用的奖杯。”Nasca: Geheimnisvolle Zeichen im Alten Peru. Museum Rietberg Zurich. Pp. 79-87. 1999. (April 9, 2018) https://people.umass.edu/proulx/online_pubs/Nasca_Headhunting_Zurich.pdf