Nathan Chandler

Contributing Writer

Nathan is a freelance writer and photographer based in Lincoln, Nebraska. He earned his B.A. from the University of Northern Iowa and has researched and written about consumer tech for more than 10 years. He's also game to take on stories about science, conspiracy theories and more.

Recent Contributions

In 1959, a group of nine Russian hikers disappeared and were later found dead in circumstances that, to this day, have mystified authorities and armchair sleuths alike. But scientists now believe an avalanche holds the solution to the mystery.

ByNathan Chandler

Everyone's heard of the blue moon and the harvest moon, but every other full moon of the year has a name, too. What are their names, and when do these moons occur?

ByNathan Chandler

1983年发布的,“一个圣诞故事”是反的Hallmark Card film about the holidays in America. How much do you remember about this classic comedy movie?

ByNathan Chandler


For decades Bob Lazar talked about a mysterious element 115 that could power alien spacecraft. People thought he was nuts, but scientists discovered element 115 in 2003. What can that element do?

ByNathan Chandler

Launched in 2010 after the Great Recession, Small Business Saturday (the day after Black Friday) has been growing in consumer awareness in America. But has it been a financial boon to small businesses?

ByNathan Chandler

Worried there might be a warrant out for your arrest? How can you find out for sure?

ByNathan Chandler

Thanks to the Faraday cage, we can control electricity and make it safer for our computers, cars and other inventions.

ByChris Pollette&Nathan Chandler


In 17th century Japan, wealthy citizens built homes with "nightingale floors" that squeaked, warning them of intruders. In fact, the floors squeaked louder when the steps got lighter.

ByNathan Chandler

The Dyson Air Multiplier works like a fan, but it has no blades. Can it be as effective as a traditional fan? What's so different about it?

ByKristen Hall-Geisler&Nathan Chandler

Among the millions of pictures taken every year, some capture our hearts and stand the test of time. Here are the stories behind 13 of the most iconic.

ByNathan Chandler&Yves Jeffcoat

The Mariana Trench is the deepest place on Earth, and we're still in the dark about much of the life that calls it home. Here are just a few of the trench's eye-popping residents.

ByNathan Chandler


Weird things can affect your call's signal strength — like that city bus that just blocked your path, or the fact that it's raining outside.

ByNathan Chandler

If you follow politics long enough, there'll be headlines that make you wonder if a U.S. president can really do that thing you just read about. Take our quiz to learn what's within a president's rights.

ByNathan Chandler

You've probably heard that no two snowflakes are alike, but how can that be true? Find out how molecules of water vapor come together to form these winter wonders.

ByNathan Chandler

This sprawling garden of a landscape cemetery sits in the middle of Paris and holds the remains of some of its most famous, and infamous, citizens.

ByNathan Chandler


河鼠的疯狂设陷阱捕兽者可能并不是一个交易pper, and he most likely wasn't mad, but who was he and why did he lead the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on one its greatest chases ever?

ByNathan Chandler

One survey said 11 percent of Airbnb guests had found a hidden camera in their rented home. Is this legal? And how can you tell if you're being spied on?

ByNathan Chandler

Wouldn't it be nice to have your favorite song start up the moment you walked in the house? Or to get the coffee brewing from bed? Smart homes can do all those tricks, and you might be able to afford one, even if you're not Bill Gates.

ByMolly Edmonds&Nathan Chandler

Your washer's on the fritz again, and your toaster oven is, well, toast. Instead of breaking out the big bucks for new appliances, should you opt for a used model? Here are some things to keep in mind when purchasing used appliances.

ByNathan Chandler


Say you're a government agency or a company of some sort and you want to negotiate the terms of a working relationship with another group or agency. However, you're not too enthused by the idea of lawyers, contracts and legalese. That's where Memoranda of Understanding come in. What are these MOUs, exactly, and who uses them?

ByNathan Chandler

The super-intelligent South African isn't just one of the richest and most creative people on Earth, he's also a forward-thinking futurist with a penchant for controversy.

ByNathan Chandler

In my bathroom there is a plug that has a "Test" and a "Reset" button. When I push the "Test" button, it cuts off the current to the outlet. What is this? How is it different from the fuse in the fuse box?

ByNathan Chandler

If you engage in constant self-talk, it may surprise you that some people think in pictures instead or do nothing at all. And the number of people truly having an inner monologue may not be as great as you think.

ByNathan Chandler


Your wireless network's running slow again. It's time to get to the bottom of things. Yes, stealing WiFi still goes on. How can you tell if it's happening to you?

ByNathan Chandler&Wesley Fenlon

Nope, it's not the police code for marijuana possession. It has a much cooler origin story.

ByNathan Chandler
