强化物可能包括添加新元素或元素的去除目前礼物。这个术语有点混乱,但是添加一些被称为“积极的”,尽管不一定的“快乐”或“好”。”Negative," in this case, is the删除的东西,并不一定意味着“坏”。Therefore, both rewards and punishers can be either positive or negative.
强化物可以几乎任何事情只要有意义的狗。一只狗可能认为对待比玩具更有价值,而另一个可能会觉得恰恰相反。强化物是什么并不重要,但由于实际原因,一些强化物比其他人更容易处理。同时,相同的强化物不需要每次使用或在任何情况下。一些任务可能需要比其他人更有价值的强化物。作为宠物市场服从教练丹·奥利里所说的那样,“你可能会跨过一把椅子如果我给你一美元。但是你可能不会为一美元和蜡洗我的车。”Similarly, your dog may work for one type of reward in the relative calm of your home but may need something more desirable to maintain focus in class.
一个标记没有遥控器。它可以是任何东西,标志着所需的行为。海豚训练师经常使用吹口哨的人一样。鱼可以被训练用打开手电筒,和振动聋狗项圈可以标记行为。有些人马克行为与特定的词,像“是的!”The marker can be anything that is short, specific, and consistent. On those grounds, care must be taken when using the voice as a primary marker because tone is often inconsistent and marker words or sounds may also be used in regular conversations and lose meaning for the dog.
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