Tech & Transport

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并不是每一个巴士iness can get one of the coveted six spots on your typical 'gas, food, lodging' highway sign. Competition can be stiff, so here's how it works.

ByNathan Chandler

A 2019 study evaluated public transportation in 100 U.S. cities and ranked them from best to worst. So who got top dibs, and how is theses cities and the residents benefiting?

ByCherise Threewitt

Pay-as-you-go electric scooters are becoming ubiquitous features of urban life. They're great for the environment, but how safe are they?

ByLaurie L. Dove


In-car payment systems are beginning to roll out in cars from Hyundai, Jaguar and GM.

ByCherise Threewitt

Everything is digital these days, but your license plate? A California company is turning that metal plate into a digital billboard on the back of your car.

ByKristen Hall-Geisler

How are driverless trucks changing trucking? Will human truckers still exist in the near future?

ByPatrick J. Kiger

Studies are finding that the more technology and safety features we have in our cars, the worse we drive.

ByCherise Threewitt


Monday, Aug. 21, may see hours of extra traffic on either side of the two-minute astronomical event.

ByPatrick J. Kiger

A small Canadian town found out it would be cheaper to subsidize Uber rides than to supply its own bus system. Is this a view of what's to come?

ByPatrick J. Kiger

The rideshare giant envisions a flying vehicle future, hiring a pioneer who helped develop electric-powered, vertical-takeoff-and-landing aircraft. What's next?

ByPatrick J. Kiger

The tech giant has designed and sold billions of iPods, iPads, iPhones and laptops, but developing an Apple car has proven rather tricky. Will we ever see one?

ByAllison Loudermilk


They could prevent you from crashing into a deer or a pedestrian, and they don’t have to rely on visual identification to do it either.

ByKristen Hall-Geisler

Do ridesharing apps offer a less-discriminatory way to get a ride than hailing a taxi? A recent study says they can be just as difficult.

ByKaren Kirkpatrick

Companies like Uber, Google, Ehang and Terrafugia are at work on innovative autonomous flying vehicles.

ByPatrick J. Kiger

Who needs Google Maps? The ride-sharing behemoth is dipping its toes into developing its own web-based mapping system.

ByChris Opfer


Mind the gap! A prototype Transit Elevated Bus will glide over traffic in an effort to reduce China's notoriously bad road congestion.

ByChristopher Hassiotis

Driverless cars on the road are a sure thing of the near future — but that doesn't mean you'll have the key to one.

ByJonathan Strickland

We bring you the best of our non-driving future from the 2015 Tokyo Motor Show.

ByKristen Hall-Geisler

Uber's ride-sharing service may be convenient, but it's also controversial. It can get you where you need to go, but it's definitely not the same as calling a cab.

ByKristen Hall-Geisler


Automotive repair is getting a bit less greasy and a lot more geeky. Will there be any need for the old-school mechanic's shop in the not-so-distant future?

ByCherise Threewitt

First of all, I should get it out of the way and say that I always wear a helmet. Learn more about bike helmets.

ByLloyd Alter, Planet Green

Vinegar has been around since the dawn of civilization. Learn more about the 9 green uses for vinegar in the car.

ByJosh Peterson, Planet Green

Future cars, equipped with loads of sensors, will be able to detect when you’re too drowsy (or too drunk) to drive, and even if you’re having a heart attack.

ByKristen Hall-Geisler


Car sharing services allow you access to a car when you need it — and only when you need it. But it can’t be that easy, right?

ByKristen Hall-Geisler

This isn’t your grandparents’ ride-share service. In fact, it’s not yours either. HopSkipDrive is just for kids.

ByKristen Hall-Geisler
