"I am big! It's the pictures that got small."
-- Norma Desmond in "Sunset Blvd."
A waning star rails against a new technology that she accuses of ruining the film industry; if the mere addition of sound made her so bitter, what might she have thought of us watching movies on smartphones, where the pictures are literally small? Probably nothing good, although her opinion might have softened somewhat if she knew that some apps make her out-of-print silent films easier to find, read about, discuss and watch. Then again, the app that enables people to find her mansion on Google maps might not go over so well. Norma never had good luck with uninvited guests.
In the following pages, we'll look at these apps and other must-haves for the film fanatic'sphone. What these programs lack in screen size, they make up for in features and portability. You can use them, not just in a moldering mansion, wrapped in a turban and fading glamour, but out in the world, wherever you take your mobile device.
All right, Mr. DeMille, these apps are ready for their close-ups.