“汉斯是一个营销天才,”拉里·孟德尔高级评估者和钟表匠鲍勃的手表加州新港海滩,一个二手的劳力士交换。“他是未来几十年的时间。”Wilsdorf promoted Rolex as the best of the best. "He also backed it up. Quality has always been No. 1 for Rolex from the very beginning."
“我认为我们都震惊了,”阿尔提耶里说,观众在拍卖会上。开幕式出价是1000万美元。“只有一个保罗·纽曼保罗·纽曼。”The seller, James Cox, received the watch as a gift from Newman and donated a portion of the funds from the sale to the内尔纽曼基金会。
孟德尔指出更新的“蝙蝠侠”格林尼治时间,现在在一个欢乐的手镯,称其为“最热门的新手表,劳力士推出20年。”But his personal favorite is theMilgauss,它可以承受1000高斯磁场——这些都是单位,表示磁场的强度。这是为科学家设计的。
风,他说目前的劳力士是“百事可乐”GMT-Master二世拥有一个蓝色和红色24小时旋转边框。较早的蓝色和红色版本引入了在1950年代,但在此之前,边框总是黑色和红色,导致的绰号“可口可乐”。The new Pepsi retails for $9,200, if you can get one. Because of wait lists and limited supply, some Rolex watches can immediately trade for more than their retail value.