“有很多生产进入音乐会生产这些天,“票替代布鲁特说。“每个人都在试图把最精致的节目。”18新利最新登入For Swift, that meant giant inflatable snakes, mega screens, a fountain, fireworks and a plethora of dancers. For Coldplay's A Head Full of Dreams Tour, which票房5.23亿美元在2017年,一个体育场性能要求多个阶段和Xylobands,互动导致腕带乐队介绍了在其Mylo Xyloto之旅。
“如果有人愿意支付1000美元的前排票,(艺术家)不应该可以卖门票1000美元吗?”Schilling says. "Why not try to capture some of that money? Otherwise, the fan is going to pay it, and the only person who wins is the scalper."