小报写故事的关键是印刷这东西不一定是真的,有人就有说过,这是真的。作家可以把资源和专家确认任何东西。他们将使用诱导性的问题得到一个“引文”从源,或提供引用本身和使用它,只要源同意他们。例如,一个作家可能面试一个故事的见证大脚怪问,“与愤怒嚎叫了暴怒的野兽,它听起来像一个来自地狱的恶魔吗?18新利最新登入”If the witness says yes, the story might quote the witness as saying, "Then the raging beast howled with fury. It sounded like a demon from hell itself!"
狗仔队这个词来自新闻摄影师叫狗仔队在电影“甜蜜生活。”In Italian, the plural of "paparazzo" is "paparazzi." This name was soon applied to Italian photographers who hounded celebrities, and quickly became an international term for this type of photographer.
之一约瑟夫·普利策的纽约世界最受欢迎的部分是它的颜色漫画“霍根小巷”。This strip, drawn by Richard F. Outcault, featured a character called "The Yellow Kid." William Randolph Hearst copied many of Pulitzer's tactics for his paper, the New York Journal, and this strip was no exception. He hired Outcault away from Pulitzer and soon had his own Yellow Kid. Pulitzer hired artist George Luks to carry on "Hogan's Alley." This "yellow kids" competition exemplified the newspapers' sensational and competitive style, which came to be called "yellow journalism."