Recent Contributions

Ever wondered why the first month of the year is called January? Or why September comes from the Latin word for seven when it's the ninth month? Here's how each month got its name.

ByCarrie Tatro

After the celebrity struts down the red carpet in her borrowed designer gown, must she return it? And what does the designer do with it?

ByDave Roos

Under the right conditions, hot water can somehow freeze faster than cold water. It's called the Mpemba effect. We'll explain how it happens.

ByDylan Ris


里奇的男孩,男人y of them Jewish refugees, trained in the U.S. and returned to Europe to help defeat Hitler and the Nazis.

ByDave Roos

If you're an Aquarius, which signs are you most compatible with in love, friendship and work? We talk with two astrologers to find out.

ByDominique Michelle Astorino

This person of diverse interests also invented the cowcatcher device for trains and held a distinguished mathematics professorship at the University of Cambridge.

By威廉•哈里斯&Chris Pollette

Happy birthday to Edgar Allan Poe, master of the macabre! The story of his life and mysterious death is as fascinating as his most suspenseful work of fiction.

ByCarrie Whitney, Ph.D.


Is ChatGPT the end of education as we know it, or just the beginning?

ByJesslyn Shields

Modal fabric is a type of synthetic rayon. It has a reputation for being greener than other fabrics, but is it really?

ByMadison Palmer

It's 11:11 on your phone's clock. This is what's known as an angel number. Is the universe trying to send you a message?

ByAlia Hoyt

The reproduction of books, movies and songs is closely protected by copyright law, but intellectual property in the public domain can be used by anyone for free.

ByPatrick J. Kiger


The iconic "school bus yellow" was the invention of an educator named Frank Cyr. But if yellow is so good for visibility, why don't all fire trucks use it too?

ByDave Roos

Changing jobs can be a stressful situation, but sometimes, it's almost mandatory for a career-minded person to switch. What are the best reasons to do this?

ByMatt Cunningham

This seismic boundary lies within Earth between the bottom of crust and the uppermost mantle. But nobody has ever dug down deep enough to confirm it exists. So does it?

ByAllison Troutner

Do you get easily bored with things like the color of your car? BMW is introducing a couple of concept cars that literally change color at your whim.

ByCherise Threewitt


Nothing feels better than climbing into a freshly made bed. But when you sleep with a weighted blanket, is washing it as simple as tossing it in the machine?

ByMadison Palmer

You may have never thought of washing your pillows but there are several good reasons to do it. And it's usually not very hard to wash them.

ByAlia Hoyt

Disputes continue to tangle commercial fishermen and environmentalists in an ongoing and sometimes fraught debate over fishing gear and bycatch.

ByBlake Earle

The fear of Friday the 13th isn't exactly grounded in scientific logic. But that doesn't stop us from feeling that it's unlucky.

ByTom Harris


You use solenoids every day without ever knowing it. So what exactly are they and how do they work?

ByMark Mancini

Legend says that jackalopes roam the plains of Wyoming and even like to sing campfire songs. How much truth is there to this mythical creature?

ByMark Mancini

NASA's missions in 2022 were remarkably far-ranging – from practicing how to protect Earth to prepping for the first manned mission to Mars. An astronomer sums up the year.

ByChris Impey

The Hays Code was a set of rules that stifled the American film industry for more than three decades. Was it just legal censorship?

ByMark Mancini


想知道你的披萨或者厨房的面积you're eating it in? Come on, and we'll show you how to figure it out with an area formula.

ByThomas Harlander

It's hard to nail down the oldest city in the world. Some say it's Damascus, Syria, while others suggest it's Jericho, in the West Bank. So which is older?

ByPatrick J. Kiger
