破坏时的爱和礼物,你的生活的想法,她是否喜欢它!——才是最重要的。没有大件物品会熄灭她的心的欲望像一个礼物说“我为你颠倒。”Flowers are fine, chocolate's a sweet thought, and a spa day for a stressed-out lover might really hit the spot. But today - for no reason, other than to show your affection - try a just-for-her gesture, something that most other gals haven't gotten.
“不需要昂贵的礼物;它必须是发自内心的。最好的礼物是一个罢工的情感线,”玛莎Dupecher博士说,华盛顿特区,心理治疗师。“我们都想感觉特别。和一个体贴的礼物说“我知道如何取悦你”是一种输送方式。”18新利最新登入(Dupecher's biggest gift-giving don't: giving something you actually want to receive. For starters, strike sexy lingerie from the what-she's-always-wished-for list - that's a gift for you.)