一旦一个人有一个绦虫,他们正式背负着寄生虫感染被称为“人类绦虫病。”On its own, human taeniasis isn't such a big deal, as it is often asymptomatic. However, it can develop into cysticercosis, the condition resulting from tapeworm hexacanths burrowing their way into your bloodstream, which is decidedly not pleasant. The cysts can end up pretty much anywhere in your body, including in your eyes or your brain. The cysts sometimes grow, and they inflame the surrounding tissue. The resulting pressure can cause temporary symptoms or permanent damage, including blindness, brain damage or even death in some extreme cases. In developing countries it's considered to be the main cause of adult-onset seizures, and is far more likely to happen to people who are living with someone who has a tapeworm already [sources:疾病预防控制中心,疾病预防控制中心]。
贝克汉克。“走出非洲:绦虫的起源。”United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service. March 18, 2005. (Dec. 10, 2008) http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/may01/worms0501.htm