第一个天花疫苗”遇到了热情但也害怕,”医学史家写道埃琳娜的案件在2015年的一篇文章。“虽然许多病人和医生都渴望抵挡那个时代最害怕疾病,很多人拒绝污染他们健康的身体和疾病问题的前景从动物。”新利国际网站品牌官网And when European countries began making smallpox vaccines mandatory in the early 1800s, "societies of anti-vaccinationists formed to protest what they saw as unequal treatment and undue infringement of individual liberty."
但随着几十年了,美国的父母不那么兴奋对麻疹疫苗接种,流行性腮腺炎等疾病,她说。“家庭长期习惯于生活在麻疹,例如,摆脱了疾病的新疫苗。”Health officials often had to make vaccinations mandatory for school registration to get compliance.
的价值,疫苗接种率在美国还高,with 91.5 percent of children aged 19-35 months fully vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella as of 2017. This is an all-time high, with the lowest rate since 1994, occurring not-so-coincidentally in 1998 (86 percent) when the fraudulent MMR vaccine/autism study was released.