躺在国家的实践始于美国亨利。克莱、国会议员和美国国务卿从肯塔基州被称为“伟大的谈判专家”。During much of Clay's life, the country was almost literally sectioned off, at odds over the question of slavery. Clay pushed through legislation to quell secession talk and to avoid civil war. (On his tombstone are these words: "I know no North — no South — no East — no West.") He died on June 29, 1852, and lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda on July 1, 1852.
今天,荣誉留给国家”最著名的公民根据国会大厦的建筑师,该机构负责管理的所有建筑物和国会的570英亩(231公顷)。按照习俗和规定,政府官员——总统、国会议员和一些军事人物——“国家”。The honor is not automatically extended to anyone except presidents and former presidents, and not everyone entitled to honor has it accepted by their survivors. Notable private citizens, too, sometimes get a rest in the Rotunda before burial, but they are said to lie "in honor." Coffins are placed in the Rotunda (the central part of the Capitol) under the Capitol Dome, often on a 2-foot-high (0.7-meters-high) catafalque made of pine, originally used to support the casket of亚伯拉罕。林肯。林肯灵车不用于那些躺在荣誉。
不是所有的国会议员去世,或所有的总统,躺在国家的荣誉。前的最后一个美国国会议员卡明斯和刘易斯躺在州参议员约翰·麦凯恩,他只有13参议员。在麦凯恩,夏威夷州参议员井上健,2012年躺在国家。民权偶像罗莎·帕克斯是第一个女人躺在荣誉。公园是一个普通公民,而不是政府官员,所以她被认为是“躺在荣誉”而不是“在状态”。She is still just one of only four civilians who have been bestowed this honor. That was in 2005.