当他提出了他著名的黄色旗盘绕响尾蛇和男子气概的座右铭:“不要践踏我”。Hartvigsen points out that the snake on the Gadsden flag has 13 rattles with the nub of a 14th (perhaps an invitation for Canadian provinces to join the fight).
加兹登设计了标志,包括蛇和警告,“别踩我?”That's not clear. All we know is that Gadsden presented the flag to Commodore Esek Hopkins, the commander in chief of the Navy, which Hopkins proudly flew on his flagship vessel, the USS Alfred. The Continental Marines also flew the flag during the Revolutionary War.
2014年,一位非裔美国邮政工人投诉的种族歧视与美国邮政服务(USPS)对同事反复穿着一顶帽子体育工作用一条盘绕的响尾蛇国旗和标语“不要践踏我”。的Postal Service驳回了投诉“失败国家一个可辨识的歧视。”However, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reversed the dismissal and ordered the USPS to investigate. The平等就业机会委员会说,虽然加兹登国旗起源于一个没有种族背景,它已经被“解释转达关于信息在某些情况下“因此抱怨遇到的法律标准由美国邮政总局调查而不是被解雇。