Basket-of-Gold, Goldentuft

Basket-of-gold, also known as goldentuft, is a 查看更多 pictures of perennial pictures .

Basket-of-Gold, or goldentuft, were once included in theAlyssumgenus. Theseperennialsand charming flowers of spring now belong to themustardfamily. Attractive low gray foliage growing in dense mats gives support to clusters of four-petaled,golden-yellowflowers floating 6 to 12 inches above the plants.

How to grow:Goldentufts are easy to grow in充足的阳光in well-drained,average soil, but plants will rot in damp locations and resent high humidity. Shear off the stalks after plants bloom.


Propagation:By cuttings, division, or seed.

Uses:Goldentufts are quite happy growing in the spaces between stone walks, carpeting arock garden, or growing in pockets in stone walls where their flowers become tumbling falls of gold.

Related varieties:Mountain Gold has silvery evergreen leaves and fragrant bright yellow flowers. Citrina bears lemon-yellow flowers.

Scientific name:Aurinia saxatilis


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