就像约翰·特拉沃尔塔说“低俗小说”,它的小差异,丰富我们旅行。为什么你去麦当劳在国外吗?也许你撤退到西方浴室空调,熟悉的食物或一个地方,你可以逃避当地语言,只说“巨无霸”。Maybe you're operating around the clock in a country that siestas or rushing around a country and a people who move more slowly.
你可能只是好奇“低俗小说”脚本是否说实话:你真的能买啤酒在麦当劳在巴黎吗?做国家使用公制叫四分之一磅的“皇家的奶酪?”Not to spoil your fun, but yes, McDonald's in France -- and the Netherlands, Germany and Austria -- serve beer. And across Europe, you can order a Royal Cheese (note the spelling). If you're still curious, travel around the world with us through a list of local foods on the McDonald's menu. We'll move you from east to west, from Australia all the way over to Mexico.