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对于很多人来说,成功投资的指导原则是“买入并持有”。The logic behind the strategy is basically this: The market for stocks, bonds and other financial instruments is inherently volatile over the short-term, which means that investments can fluctuate in value from day to day and week to week in such a way that those movements can expose someone buying and selling over a truncated timeframe to substantial risk. Those who advocate a buy-and-hold investment approach, however, argue that long-term investing allows investors to take advantage of the overall historic trend upward in the market while avoiding the gyrations and risk apparent in the short-term波动的市场



有很多所谓的活跃交易“风格”。Day trading is probably the best known, and many people mistakenly believe that day trading is the only kind of active trading. As the name indicates, day trading involves an investor buying and selling securities in the course of one trading day; for example, a当日交易者早上买的埃克森-美孚将在一天结束的时候把它卖掉。换句话说,短线交易员一夜之间并不持有的证券,或者在交易的说法,据说他们并不持有从一天到下一个“位置”。还有其他活跃的交易风格,涉及不同的时间范围和策略。其他活跃的交易风格包括swing和位置交易和剥皮。

活跃的交易变得非常流行在1990年代末的互联网泡沫破裂的时候,推动通过的所有似乎一直在稳步上升股票以及互联网的普及让个人买卖股票。不足为奇的是,整个行业已经膨胀起来服务个人对交易感兴趣。E *贸易和嘉信理财等公司,例如,不仅提供交易商必要的进入市场买卖证券,还自夸的贸易盈利工具需要深入的研究。无数的书籍和杂志文章和通讯——更不用说电视节目像吉姆。克莱默的“疯狂的钱”——提供大量的技巧和策略击败市场。18新利最新登入

