“我的名字叫马特·佛利,我是一名励志演说家,”他告诉两个青少年barely-stifling-a-giggle大卫铁锹和克里斯蒂娜•艾伯盖特。“现在,让我们开始由我给你一些我的生活的场景。首先,我35岁,我离婚了,我住在一辆货车河边!”Foley goes on to tell his rapt audience that they'll "amount to jack squat!" before picking up Spade and threatening to "wrassle" him into friendship. This is before he falls on top of the coffee table and crushes it.
在他2012年的文章《福布斯》题为“没有所谓的励志演说家,“自称”沟通理论家和教练和演讲者讲故事,肢体语言,说服和影响,”尼克•摩根写道,“说话不是一个职业。这是一个活动。这是一个交流方式你的激情你的主题专家”。While he doesn't explicitly state that anyone can be a motivational speaker, it does beg the question可以谁是一名励志演说家吗?
“好吧,如果它很容易,每个人都会做,所以没有!”Long says. "You have to believe in your message. You must also believe in yourself, know that you belong on this stage. When I get on stage, I own it. No matter who is in the audience, I speak directly at to them, engaging them with questions so they need to think about what I am saying."
奥尔森,艾米。“自我实现理论”。Psychology Today. Aug. 13, 2013. (May 31, 2017) https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/theory-and-psychopathology/201308/the-theory-self-actualization
罗宾逊,彼得。“动力!研讨会的烟幕推销。”The Seattle Times. May 19, 2012. (June 22, 2017) http://www.seattletimes.com/business/get-motivated-seminars-a-smoke-screen-for-sales-pitch/
玫瑰,莱西,格思里,玛丽莎。“比利布什打破他的沉默在特朗普,访问好莱坞的磁带,NBC和回归计划(独家)。”The Hollywood Reporter. May 21, 2017. (May 28, 2017) http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/billy-bush-breaks-his-silence-trump-access-hollywood-tape-nbc-a-comeback-plan-1005744