谁说的是事实?至少四利文斯顿的孩子,和一个邻居,他们记得他说背诵这首诗早在1807年。他也是荷兰的一部分,和许多在诗中引用。加上学者研究了摩尔的其他作品说他们都是截然不同的结构和内容从“圣尼古拉斯的访问。”But Moore did claim authorship first. He was also friends with Washington Irving, who knew all about Dutch culture and had previously written about St. Nicholas [sources:18新利最新登入Howse,Conradt共同]。添加所有这些线索和著名诗歌的作者的问题仍悬而未决。
但如果我们仔细看,写作“圣诞节”不是不一定反对神的儿子。远非如此。“基督”这个词在希腊语中是“Χριστός。”Notice anything familiar? The first letter is "X," or chi. Chi is also written as an X in the Roman alphabet. Rather than being an offensive abbreviation for Christmas, "Xmas" is actually a quite logical nickname [sources: Boyett,圣经套件]。
16世纪,欧洲人从圣尼古拉斯的想法,但他们爱送礼的传统。所以圣尼克演变成一个叫“圣诞老人”。First mentioned in 15th-century writings, he was a partying dude associated with醉酒和节日狂欢者。在美国,St. Nick became Kris Kringle. Father Christmas and Kris Kringle generally brought gifts on Christmas, not Dec. 6. When Dutch settlers began emigrating to the U.S., they brought with them stories of St. Nicholas, whom they called Sinterklaas. Soon Sinterklaas became Americanized as Santa Claus [source:为什么圣诞节]。
这个想法是错误的,至少现在是这样。只要世俗歌曲都包含在一个学校节日音乐会的曲目,圣诞颂歌也可以唱[来源:吉布斯,jr .)和吉布斯三世]。但是有很多争论唱任何神圣的合唱音乐在公立学校是违反了美国宪法建立的条款。宪法《第一修正案》说:“国会不得制定法律确立宗教。”这”Establishment Clause" is at the heart of many disputes over what people consider freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of religion [source:Kasparian]。然而,到目前为止,没有18新利最新登入统治的最高法院,没有宪法修正案,禁止这种做法。然而,一些个人学区已经禁止在学校圣诞音乐演唱会[来源:18新利最新登入Rundquist]。
马丁、詹姆斯。“五神话关于圣诞节。”The Washington Post. Dec. 16, 2011. (Dec. 2, 2021) http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-christmas/2011/12/12/gIQAkR1VyO_story.html
Rundquist,珍妮特。“禁止学校圣诞颂歌支持。”Huffington Post. May 25, 2011. (Dec. 2, 2021) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/06/ban-on-school-christmas-c_n_751839.html
Shenkman,里克。“圣诞节的五大神话。”History News Network. July 8, 2002. (Dec. 2, 2021) http://hnn.us/articles/479.html