“不是一个灵魂,”译成汉语先生说。“你姨妈,Sappleton太太,是我的新朋友。”Mr. Nuttel takes a deep breath. His body shivers. "My sister, Olivia, lived in the country four years ago. Olivia met your aunt at that time. Olivia says your aunt is very nice."
“看!在这里,“Sappleton太太说。“和他们在茶。”的older woman walks towards the open window. She looks out across the green lawn. "Goodness! Look at all that mud. They will surely ruin all of my carpets today."
莱利计算他的工人。然后他又喊,“排队,男人!”Riley was the foreman of a road construction crew. He had to make sure everyone reported for work. This morning he counted an extra worker, a teenage boy.
“哦,是的。”的barber nodded. "Tate. He's an odd one, he is. And you're right -- he doesn't look older than sixteen. But he has to be at least twenty. Lived here all his life."
“这是真的,”吉米说。“这是一个山洞。我从不知道在那里。泰特苍白,苍白,他走了进去。然后他就消失了。我要赶上其他的孩子。他们去告诉警长。”Jimmy raced down the street.
“你太迟了。”的sheriff pointed inside the cave.
警长点点头。“我看到他在城里。我想说这个骨架已经五年了。有趣的是,五年前是泰特不再变老。他开始苍白和苗条。我发现了这个在他的口袋里。”的sheriff unfolded a piece of paper. "It's his mother's grocery bill. Paid in full. Tate always took good care of her."