波多黎各在2012年以来首次成为1952年英联邦,大多数波多黎各人投票反对当前与美国的关系这是一场势均力敌的比赛,54%的人说“不”。But when asked what political status they preferred, "statehood" received the most votes by a large margin [source:费边),尽管四分之一的选民的第一个问题,第二个问题空白。在2017年,这个问题是在低投票率比赛再次问道。超过500000人青睐建国的公投,紧随其后的是近7800张选票为独立/自由联想和超过6800张选票的当前状态。
一个不具约束力的投票在这个问题上又一次在2020年11月举行,是的/没有选择这个问题“波多黎各应该立即承认作为一个州的身份加入合众国吗?”百分之五十二的投票“是的”而47%的投票“不”。But even so, it's not enough to make the commonwealth a state.
在实践中,大多数50个州开始的美国领土。的领土请求国会同意起草州宪法和选举代表,或者是更积极的“田纳西计划”。Tennessee, the very first U.S. territory, was rejected in its first bid for statehood, but decided to draft a state constitution anyway, and send two senators and a representative to Congress [source:Lehleitner]。尽管国会拒绝座位上的男人,他们成功地游说建国。其他几个州是田纳西州的模型,包括阿拉斯加。
官方承认工会要求国会和总统签署一项法案草案称为“授权法案”。For Puerto Rico to become a state, it would need to convince Congress and the president that statehood is not only in the best interest of the Puerto Rican people, but in the best interest of the United States as a whole. The U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives would need to approve the statehood admission by a simple majority vote, though some members of Congress want to raise that threshold to two-thirds majority [source:再有,里夫金]。