About This Quiz
Do you spend all your spare time in the ashram? Have you worn out more than one yoga mat? You're not alone, more and more people are exploring yoga as a form of exercise. See how much you know about yoga.Yoga means union, which refers to the union between body and mind, as well as to the union between an individual self and the universal self.
目前很多瑜伽学生考虑B.K.S. Iyengar\’s book their bible.
Stay strong, Warrior. You\’ll still need to turn and do the same thing with the other leg.
Ashtanga is an eight-fold path that includes yama, niyama, asana, pranayam, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Ama, which refers to badly digested food waste, is not one of the limbs.
If you\’re living by the rule of ahimsa, you\’re practicing nonviolence against all living beings.
Take an Iyengar yoga class, and you\’ll find yourself working with blocks, blankets and belts.
Bring a bottle of water, because yoga in 105 degrees Fahrenheit will make you sweat!
Surya Namaskara, or sun salutation, is a flowing series of 12 poses.
If your instructor tells you to apply Mula Bandha, then squeeze the muscles in the pelvic floor.
Ujayyi breaths can make you sound a bit like Darth Vader.