Jennifer Sellers

Jennifer Sellers has written over 100 articles for HowStuffWorks on topics ranging from bullying to the history of mahjong to why we can't smell our own breath.

Recent Contributions

If someone told you that oodles of arachnids are jumping (and mating) on your eyelashes, you might be inclined to laugh it off. But it's true. Mites are happily living all over your face. What are they doing there anyway?

ByJennifer Sellers

If you don't have a bank account, that doesn't necessarily mean you can't get a loan to cover bills or major expenses. What types of loans are you eligible for, even without a bank account?

ByJennifer Sellers

There is growing concern over a possible link between soy and certain types of cancer. Could these potential risks outweigh the benefits of eating tofu?

ByJennifer Sellers


There's nothing worse than biting your tongue. Unless it swells up and gets infected — thankfully it's pretty rare. See why.

ByJennifer Sellers

Did your grandma ever tell you to toss away the painkillers and just take a nice long Epsom salt bath? Is this just an old wives' tale, or do these salts really have healing powers?

ByJennifer Sellers

Sometimes it's a lot easier to just take that expired cold medicine than run out to the drugstore when you're feeling sick. But are those expired meds even working? Or, worse, are they causing you harm?

ByJennifer Sellers

Getting ready to spend a day in the sun? Think twice before reaching for last year's sunscreen. Even if the bottle's still full, the lotion doesn't last forever. Don't get burned!

ByJennifer Sellers


他们说有两种类型的人选择their nose – those who do and those who lie about doing it. Would you be more prone to admit it if you found out it might be good for you? Let's see if it is.

ByJennifer Sellers

A swish of mouthwash after brushing makes our mouths feel fresh and clean. But some scientists think your mouthwash could be hurting your immune system. Is there something sinister lurking in your oral care routine?

ByJennifer Sellers

Are you a human barometer? Do changes in the weather cause you physical pain? Read this and find out if you can really feel the weather right down to your bones.

ByJennifer Sellers

One of the world's most enduring questions – besides "why do men have nipples?" – is "why don't women have Adam's apples?" The answer isn't as simple as you might think.

ByJennifer Sellers


We all know a healthy diet is the key to good health. One diet buster is red meat, which is full of fat. But what about grass-fed beef? Is it better?

ByJennifer Sellers

Were you ever subjected to "tickle torture" from an older sibling? If you're feeling uncomfortable right now, you might be more sensitive to the dreaded tickle monster than the rest of us.

ByJennifer Sellers

We're surrounded by WiFi these days. What types of radio waves are being emitted, and should we be concerned?

ByJennifer Sellers

Girls have better taste than boys — as in the sense, that is. Find out why women's ability to distinguish between sweet and sour trumps mens'.

ByJennifer Sellers


Everybody poops, and everybody passes gas. And guess what? Neither smell good. We'll explain why.

ByJennifer Sellers

没有人喜欢呕吐。但它是身体的之一amazing functions that could prevent you from becoming even sicker.

ByJennifer Sellers

Your mom always told you not to pick them, but you really have no idea why. So what's up with the nasty, snotty invaders camping out in your nose?

ByJennifer Sellers

Pain is subjective — what is excruciating to you might be tolerable to me. Which is why it's so difficult to measure and control.

ByJennifer Sellers


If you're worried you have bad breath it might be for good reason. You can't smell your own breath so it might be hard to tell — until it's too late.

ByJennifer Sellers

It's no surprise that a 2012 Gallup study found stay-at-home moms nothing like June Cleaver in "Leave it to Beaver." There were some eye-opening facts discovered about the mental state of full-time caregivers compared to their working counterparts.

ByJennifer Sellers

You probably don't give much thought to eye boogers, except maybe when you wipe them away. But you're about to learn a lot more about them (and while you're reading, you'll probably check your eyes for crud a few times).

ByJennifer Sellers

A 2010 surgeon general's report about the dangers of smoking led to headlines warning "One Cigarette Can Kill You!" Should you take this claim with a grain of salt or start worrying about that cigarette you puffed at a party five years ago?

ByJennifer Sellers


The average person passes a good amount of gas — in the form of burps and farts — every day. Some foods, as you're surely aware, can increase this amount quite a bit. Why do some foods cause more internal turbulence than others?

ByJennifer Sellers

As anyone who's ever used a cotton swab knows, human ears generate a fair amount of earwax. But what exactly is the stuff, and do you need to make a point of clearing it out every so often?

ByJennifer Sellers
