坎帕尼亚的名字来源于拉丁语词组“坎帕尼亚费利克斯”,大致翻译为“肥沃的土地”或“富裕或快乐的土地。”This is understandable, considering the beauty of the landscape. Just about every ruling ancient empire spent some time in this region throughout its history. Perhaps the first to truly make their mark on the area were the ancient Greeks, whose mythology is connected to the origin of Naples. Have you heard of the Sirens? They were the bewitching, singing beauties that tried to lure Ulysses to his death with their songs. One of the Sirens was named Parthenope. She was absolutely heartbroken that Ulysses ignored her. Like any good, dramatic mythological creature, she threw herself into the rocks off the coast of Italy. The Greeks found her body and erected a monument, around which Naples formed centuries later [source:兰开斯特]。