Katie Lambert


Katie Lambert has written nearly 200 articles for HowStuffWorks. She also cohosted a history podcast called "Stuff You Missed in History Class." She has an English degree from the University of Georgia.

Recent Contributions

A sorority can be a great way to make lasting friendships and find opportunities for leadership and service. But people also associate sororities with many negative stereotypes.

ByKatie Lambert&Alia Hoyt

Climate change is the defining issue of our time, and we are at a defining moment of history. What can you do to make a difference? We've got 10 tips for you.

ByKatie Lambert&Sarah Gleim

"Toga, toga, toga!" Is fraternity life anything like National Lampoon's "Animal House"? Fraternities vary widely by campus and organization, but check out how they recruit, what pledging is like and the meaning of Hell Week.

ByKatie Lambert


You probably couldn't draw a mole cricket if someone asked you to, but you almost certainly could depict a ladybug. Or maybe you don't know as much as you think you do about this backyard beetle.

ByKatie Lambert

没有人希望疣!幸运的是我们有简单的方法et rid of warts. See if common treatments – like salicylic acid – actually work!

ByKatie Lambert

Large pores can make you look older and cause annoying blackheads. Learn how to shrink large pores naturally with our skin care tips.

ByKatie Lambert

Get rid of plantar warts for good using our helpful ideas. We'll give you simple ways to treat, prevent, and get rid of plantar warts.

ByKatie Lambert


想摆脱多余的体毛吗?学习所有bout hair removal creams – and how to pick out the most effective one for you!

ByKatie Lambert

Get relief from itchy scalp and other scalp problems with these useful ways to prevent and treat this skin condition.

ByKatie Lambert

Do you suffer from psoriasis? Are you looking for a treatment? Read on to learn some easy tips about treating psoriasis.

ByKatie Lambert

The wintertime blues are normal, but for some, seasonal affective disorder can be a serious problem. Could the secret to quashing seasonal depression be as simple as a trip to the grocery store?

ByKatie Lambert


An armpit is a dark, moist place that's a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and other microbes. When those microbes and your deodorant team up to work against you, the result is a rash.

ByKatie Lambert&Jason Nell

For many, the mere idea of a fungus living in one's skin is repulsive. But if you can distance yourself from the disgust, fungus is actually pretty fascinating.

ByKatie Lambert&Jane McGrath

Birth control prevents pregnancy and can have all kind of effects on your body. But do you know what it can do for your skin?

ByKatie Lambert

A woman's menstrual cycle is much more complex than you might think. And with so many steps, there are opportunities for mishaps -- and the possibility of infertility.

ByKatie Lambert


For a couple trying to get pregnant, there's an endless list of do's and don'ts provided by doctors, family and friends. And it can be overwhelming. Here are five fertility myths, busted.

ByKatie Lambert

Unhappy with your dull complexion and sagging skin? Before resorting to surgery, try eating the five foods on our list to rejuvenate your skin and take years off your look.

ByKatie Lambert&DiscoveryHealth.com writers

We've all heard about the importance of using sunscreen and avoiding rays when they're at their strongest. But once the sun's damage is done, is there a vitamin that can turn back the clock?

ByKatie Lambert

Olympic athletes treat their bodies like the highly efficient machines that they are, and that starts with having the right fuel. But can taking the same supplements as them help make your body Olympic-ready, too?

ByKatie Lambert


For most people experiencing odd medical symptoms that don't seem to go together, getting a diagnosis is a relief. But a diagnosis containing the word "atypical" might leave you a little uneasy.

ByKatie Lambert

Parenting is no cake walk, even if the rewards are sweet. And becoming parents to twins, triplets or higher-order multiples requires extra patience and planning.

ByKatie Lambert

Selecting the right foods can help brighten your complexion from the inside out or the outside in. So should you skip the beauty counter and head for the grocery store instead?

ByJulia Layton&Katie Lambert

Late-life depression is a growing health concern as Baby Boomers age and exhibit a higher incidence of mental health issues than previous generations. One well-known tool that screens older people for depression is the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), which has proven very effective in identifying people who need help. How much do you know about depression late in life? Take the quiz.

ByKatie Lambert


Lightning can strike the Empire State Building as many times as it wants. But when it comes to human tissues and organs, we can't be so cavalier with our safety. The effects of lightning strikes can be deadly -- or at least blow you right out of your shoes. Test your thunderstorm smarts. Are you the most likely to survive?

ByKatie Lambert

Planning on hitting golf balls from a small boat under a tree? Probably not after reading this article. But do you know the worst place to be in a thunderstorm?

ByKatie Lambert
