执法部门消息人士告诉美国有线电视新闻网和NBC新闻路德的步枪是一个“鬼枪。”Such weapons are assembled by individuals from parts or kits or that include one unfinished piece — typically the frame or receiver — that requires the purchaser to do some drilling to make the gun fully functional. Because of a loophole in federal gun regulations, these DIY weapons don't need to have serial numbers, and the kit or individual pieces can be sold without the背景调查人买了一把枪从联邦政府授权经销商将不得不接受。
作为结束,合格的监管框架或接收器,然而,是留给ATF,表示通过执法字母如何定义它们。18新利最新登入直到2000年代中期,威尔科克斯说,美国关注的问题的难易程度可以空白部分18新利最新登入转换成一个功能接收器。”是很容易建立,如宜家家具,还是需要实际的加工技能?”Wilcox said. But then, "they moved to an enforcement scheme that focuses upon technical aspects of the product," such as whether holes are drilled in the needed places.