格特鲁德·斯泰因在1913年写道:“玫瑰是玫瑰是朵玫瑰是玫瑰。”However, a rose in space is apparently not the same as a rose on Earth. In 1998, researchers at the Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics, a NASA Commercial Space Center, developed a special growing chamber called Astroculture. The Astroculture provides plants with the right levels of nutrition, light, humidity and heat to survive during space missions. A fragrance industry company, International Flowers & Fragrances (IFF), thought that the Astroculture was the perfect way to find out how the scent of a rose changed in space. Although researchers already knew that microgravity caused biological changes in植物,没有人研究它如何影响挥发油的生产,给花的气味。18新利最新登入
敌我识别选择迷你玫瑰品种隔夜Scentsation呼吁实验中,使用一个7英寸的植物,将很容易适应小17由9 21英寸(43.2,22.9,53厘米)Astroculture室。1998年10月28日,玫瑰上推出航天飞机发现飞行sts - 95。在任务期间,两个芽植物开花和宇航员采样玫瑰挥发油多次通过触摸一个特别棒的花朵。
分析样品的敌我识别后,他们发现玫瑰挥发油在空间较少。据前敌我识别研究员Braja Mookherjee,气味也比平时更多的“花玫瑰香气”[来源:美国国家航空航天局]。从这个气味,敌我识别创建了一个名为空间的商业香水注意上涨,已用于Shisedo化妆品香水禅。