在1970年代,美国国家科学院和美国办公室技术评估审议核战争的可能的环境影响,在1982年,瑞典科学院发表“中午核战争后大气:暮光之城”。This report predicted that smoke from burning cities and forests might diminish阳光——危险的后果。1983年,大气科学家理查德·阿尔及利亚士兵和天体化学家卡尔·萨根加入三个其他科学家发布“全球大气核爆炸的后果。”This article, known as the TTAPS report (short for the authors' names: Turco, Toon, Ackerman, Pollack and Sagan), generated a great deal of press. The United States and the Soviet Union gave the findings real consideration -- which some attribute to calming trigger fingers during the Cold War.
布朗,马尔科姆·W。“核冬天”理论家。New York Times. Jan. 23, 1990. (Dec. 29, 2008)http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE3D91739F930A15752C0A966958260
常,肯尼斯。“爱德华·n·洛伦兹的气象学家和混沌理论之父去世,享年90岁。”New York Times. April 17, 2008. (Sept. 25, 2008)http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/17/us/17lorenz.html?_r=2&scp=1&sq=edward%20lorenz&st=cse&oref=slogin